Youropia – Youth of Europe

Escola Secundária Henriques Nogueira

Youropia – from Bucareste to Augsburg April 11, 2012

Filed under: General — Jorge Rocha @ 11:09 pm
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Youropia – from Bucareste to Augsburg

A prezi reporting the meetings in Bucareste, Glasgow and Augsburg.

Subtitles in Portuguese.


Video of Augsburg April 6, 2012

Filed under: General — Jorge Rocha @ 1:28 am

This link shows you a video about Augsburg’s meeting:


2nd Meeting in Augsburg – Germany (March 17th – 20th) April 5, 2012

Filed under: General — Jorge Rocha @ 10:47 pm

Our second meeting took place in Augsburg. It was hosted by Agnes-Bernauer-Schule, Realschule fuer Maedchen and the meeting was attended by approximately 85 students and teachers.







We had a hugely interesting guided tour through Augsburg on Sunday, a city that was home to Leopold Mozart (Amadeus Mozart’s father) and to Berthold Brecht. Later we visited an interesting museum, the famous string-puppets from the Augsburger Puppenkiste; highlighting the craft and ingenuity that went into their creation.















1st official day of the meeting, the students were split up into 5 groups, each was taken to join a school class and participate in classroom activities and to allow the students to get-to-know each other, this was very successful and on return the students continued to work in smaller groups.

At the same time, the  teachers met to discuss the operational activities of the partnership. Among them: questionnaires; personal interviews was one major activity among students during visits; role-reversal aspect: students interview teachers, experts or common people; a German proposal of small groups of students from one country interview a teacher and a student from another; spreading results (e-mail, own website, Facebook); website and its becoming operational (

In the afternoon the students presented their findings from their questionnaires:

The Greeks highlighted the competitiveness of their educational system;











The Dutch included interviews on You Tube;





The Polish students focused on quality of life, European identity and the favorite countries of migration, among them France, Italy and the UK;




The Portuguese showed the attitude of youngsters from Torres Vedras in what concerns an huge group of topics like Catholicism, Education System, migration, EU, etc;



The Spaniards gave a beautiful presentation of Barcelona;



The Scots provided information based around Anniesland College and highlighted local economic problems.














The 2nd day involved the students coming together to present and discuss their logo design and to choose what the students considered to be a suitable logo to represent the partnership. After much deliberation the students voted and decided that the most suitable logo for the Youropia Partnership was the Spanish logo which represented a book and the knowledge of young people across Europe. The Portuguese proposal has got a good result in the vote and stood in 3rd place (after Spanish and Italian proposals).

And, the teachers discussed further steps. The Greek partner suggested working together in pairs until the next meeting in Verona to provide a set of relevant topics and a feasible way to work on them. The following countries agreed to work closer together during late spring and summer:

  • Italy-Poland;
  • Greece-Scotland;
  • Holland-Germany (Augsburg);
  • Spain-Portugal-Germany (Hofheim).

Italian partner gave information about the Verona meeting, due from 3rd to 6th of October 2012. They will select hotels and youth-hostels for the rest to book individually. There will be also a limited opportunity of cost-cutting because our italian partners will offer private free accommodation to some of our students.

The Greek partner presented the evaluation of the Glasgow meeting in late November.

In the evening our host partners provided us a farewell barbecue in a friendly environment. In the day after we made our way back. We still had the opportunity to visit Dahau where we updated the memory of a dark page in recent History. After that we visited Munich, the last step of our rich adventure.


Augsburg presentations April 4, 2012

Filed under: General — Jorge Rocha @ 12:04 am

This links shows you the presentations of our students in Augsburg:

1- Final results of questionnaire

2- Portuguese logos and justification

3- Presentation of our region, town and school